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  1. 1. well, your blogs better than mine...
    2. http://cpracingcheats.blogspot.com/
    4. @LetsgoracingCP
    5. yes
    6. not sure, probably...
    7. 5
    8. 4, http://twitpic.com/6cqyf5

  2. 1. I want to be a GFX designer for this site :)
    2. http://twitpic.com/78yr06
    3. Edge2307@hotmail.com
    4. http://twitter.com/#!/Edge2307CP
    5. Well i think i am xD
    6. No sorry
    7. I think maybe 7
    8. The Graphic Maker
    9. http://twitpic.com/78d4x9


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